Save America

Save America Rally in Wilmington, NC was an experience I will never forget. The energy was contagious, and for the first time in a while I had hope for our country. Us, the people of the United States of America coming together, under God to be a voice for our country.

During the Rally I didn’t move. I sat there, absorbing every detail and photographing from the same spot the entire time, my seat. This reminded me of two very important concepts as a photographer:

  • Always turn your body 360 degrees with your camera. I never regret moments that I do this.

  • There is always a story to be told right where you are (figuratively and literally).

In this case, there was a story to tell right from my seat. I didn’t need to move. I didn’t need to go on a wild adventure. Right in front of me, where God placed me, was a moment worth capturing; a story to tell.


The Katie Price

