
Did you know that a Queen Bee can lay up to 31,000 eggs in 21 days? A single bee colony can be up to 80,000 honeybees. They all work together, each bee with a role, all for the same purpose (how cool). The more I learn, the more fascinated I become.

Beekeeper in training, that’s me! My new adventure this spring. My dad has been a beekeeper for about 6 years now, so I have jumped on board to learn from him and take care of a colony of bees on my own. I just finished Beginners Backyard Beekeeping Made Easy: The Beekeepers Handbook for Natural Beekeeping, it was an excellent read and easy to follow, especially for a newbee like me. You can find it here if you’re interested in reading. Another good source is I am almost finished with their 101 course as I work alongside of my dad to see the bees in action. Join me as I document my journey and share my experiences as a Beekeeper in training with my favorite medium - photography. The only kink I need to workout is operating my camera with bee gloves on, hahaha, it was funny. I was hitting all kinds of buttons because my fingers felt like they were 10x the size. Maybe I’ll take a more automated approach rather than manual mode. We’ll see, I’ll keep you posted!


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